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Introduction from the Chair of Governors

First of all, I would like to welcome all new pupils and parents to our school. St John’s is an inclusive and aspirational school where every child is given the opportunities to thrive and succeed in a safe and happy learning environment.

Our school has a very committed Governing body that works together to help improve and support the school. We are actively involved in the life of the school and make regular visits to monitor the progress and achievements of the school, as well as to provide support and encouragement to the Headteacher, staff and pupils.

The Governing body has a strategic overview and is accountable for the schools' overall performance, which is run on a daily basis by the Headteacher. We work closely with the Headteacher to set the overall vision, aims and direction of the school.

Our main responsibilities are:

  •  To ensure the school fulfils its statutory duties - checking that policies are in place and all legal requirements are fulfilled.
  • Challenge and support the school leadership team - reading reports, attending meetings and asking questions to ensure that the school is continually moving forward.
  • To help shape the vision and direction of the school, we meet regularly with staff and parents to share our thoughts and ideas for the future.
  • Ensuring that the curriculum is broad, balanced and setting targets for pupil achievement.
  • Overseeing the schools finance and agreeing the budget.

Governor Meetings
The Governors meet at least every half-term (six times a year) as a Full Governing Body (FGB). At these meetings we receive a detailed report from the Headteacher, review the schools' performance and monitor improvement against the Strategic School Plan (SSP) and agree the annual school budget. As a Church school, we also ensure our vision and aims are embedded into every aspect of school life. We have two foundation governors who work with the school, Church and Governing body to ensure the Christian ethos of the school is embedded in school life.

We also have governors with designated responsibilities, for example, Safeguarding, Vulnerable children and Special Educational Needs, and Finance. We also have a Pay Committee which meets twice a year.

Individual Governors are also appointed for specific curriculum areas which gives us an opportunity to discuss the curriculum with the subject teachers, and by talking to staff and pupils we can monitor progress against the School Improvement Plan.

The Governors, Senior Leadership Team and staff will continue to strive to make improvements to our school and ensure your children continue to be able to learn and develop in a safe and happy environment.

With Best Wishes on behalf of the Full Governing Board

Becoming a Governor

Being a school governor is a rewarding and interesting role for those who are enthusiastic about educating our children and helping them to become good citizens.

We advertise vacancies as they arise, but please contact me if you would like to discuss the role or express an interest in becoming a governor in the future.